Showing posts with label java. Show all posts
Showing posts with label java. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Matlab R2007b ugly bug

Just installed the latest Matlab software on my Slackware 11 PC and after using it for less than 120 seconds it crashed. I tried to replicate the conditions under which matlab crashed and it was really easy. In matlab's main window in the menu I went to File->Preferences... and in the Preferences window just pressing Fonts in the left navigation bar was enough to crash Matlab.

It must have been a java related thing, because I managed to fix it by just updating matlab's java jre. OK, well here is a solution:

  1. Download java's latest jre and select the Linux (self-extracting file).
  2. Extract the jre: "sh jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin". This will create a jre1.6.0_01 directory. I did not want to update slackware's java. I leave mr. Volkerding to do that for me :). Matlab comes with a local copy of jre and this is what is used by default unless the MATLAB_JAVA enviromental variable is set to point to an external jre directory when $MATLAB_ROOT/bin/matlab script is executed. The matlab's local copy of java is under $MATLAB_ROOT/sys/java/jre/glnx86, at least for the linux x86 version.
  3. I copied the jre1.6.0_01 directory there and updated the jre.cfg file of the directory with the new jre version "echo jre1.6.0_01 > jre.cfg". The old version was 1.5.0.
  4. I also removed the old jre directory: jre1.5.0 but this is optional.
After this everything worked fine.
Happy "Matlabing"